Our Core Values

Pricing Plans

Enterprise On-Premise (Redact all PII data elements in real time, historical and individual environments) ~ Please contact us to discuss your use case and custom pricing. Your data and applications must be in your data center environment.

Enterprise Cloud (Redact all PII data elements in real time, historical and individual environments) ~ Please contact us to discuss your use case and custom pricing. Your data and applications must be in your cloud environment.

Customer API (Redact all PII data elements in historical environments, self-serve model) ~ Please refer to the pricing page below. You can upload data directly on to our cloud environment.

Marketplace API (Redact all PII data elements in historical and individual environments) ~ Please refer to the pricing page below. Your data and applications must be in your cloud environment.

eCommerce Storefront (Redact all PII data elements for individual documents, self-serve model) ~ Please refer to the pricing page below. Your data and applications must be in your desktop or cloud environment.

Enterprise on Premise


  • All products features are available ~ DIC-TR
  • Realtime (Email, Chat, Web form and Weblogs) data streams can be integrated with ID-REDACT® to automatically Detect, Identify, Confirm, Tag and Redact PII data elements within the streaning data.
  • Historical data stores (Databases and Datalakes) can be integrated with ID-REDACT® to automatically Detect, Identify, Confirm, Tag and Redact PII data elements within the stored data.
  • Individual files, (PDF, PPT, CSV, DOC and EXL) stored within local laptops/desktops, file shares, network file storage systems, sharepoint, documentum, google drive, one drive, box, dropbox etc. can be intergrated with ID-REDACT® to automatically Detect, Identify, Confirm, Tag and Redact PII data elements within each document.


  • DIC-TR Detects, Identifies, Confirms, Tags and Redacts PII data elements
  • Realtime, Historical, Individual files can be redacted 24/7, 365 days of the year on current data or data at rest that is alredy stored can be batch processed
  • Nightly, weekly, monthly batch process will ensure there is no possibility of PII data elments sneaking into lower environment and the enterprise not meet compliance audits


Auditors, Risk and Compliance Analysts, Data Stewards, Data Analysts, Data Architects, Data Developers


Pricing depends on use cases, data channels and usage needs, please contact us using the below link to get custom pricing from our sales team


CPU Version - , GPU Version


Realtime(Email)-Integration needed with Outlook, Exchange, Office 365.  Historical (Database, Datalake) - Integration needed with databases within the data center or within private cloud. Individual files(CSV, DOC, PDF, PPT and EXL)-Integration needed with local files (desktop/laptop), file shares, network storage files, SharePoint, Documentum etc.


Data Safeguard Professional Services team will implement ID-REDACT® within your data center to ensure data stays within your secured network.


12 Months support included to ensure product works per SLA


Meet data privacy compliance, Meet audit requiremenets, Increase customer confidence, Free yourself from penalities and fines

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Contact us